One of our EverWalk team members wrote about New Year’s resolutions in her 2020 book, Living Love: 12 Heart-Centered Practices to Transform Your Life.
We asked Victoria Price to share some of her thoughts about resolutions vs practice when it comes to walking, as we move into a New Year this week.
I’m a lifelong walker. It’s been one of my go-to practices for over a quarter century. Practice being the operative word. My book is all about practice – heart-centered practice, to be precise. And I began the book – chapter one, sentence one – with this look at New Year’s resolutions.
“At the end of every year, most of us make a list of New Year’s resolutions.
Coming out of the holiday season, having often overeaten and overspent, can feel like the perfect time to think about what we want to do better was we face the beautiful blank slate of a brand-new year.
According to Inc. magazine, not only to we make resolutions, but we also make the same resolutions: dieting or eating healthier, exercising, losing weight, saving more and spending less, quitting smoking, drinking less, and finding a new job.
When you look at that list, what do you see? Probably a few things you’ve wanted to do yourself. I certainly do! But what I also see is precisely what makes New Year’s resolutions so notoriously unreliable. So unreliable, in fact, that studies have shown that also sixty percent of us make resolutions ever years, less than eight percent of us achieve them. (That doesn’t stop us though. Next year we’ll start all over again, determined to believe that this time it will be different.)
What I see when I look at that list is mostly fear.
Too often when we make our resolutions, we are making them from a place of hear, even though it may not feel that way. Fear is the reason why resolutions usually fail.”
Have I intrigued you? And what does this have to do with walking? Well, as I said earlier walking has been one of my go-to heart practices for over a quarter century. Believe me, I have needed it. Because I have been a workaholic, someone who struggled with anxiety and self-doubt as well as, what my dear friend Mary calls the “bottom of the barrel” – self-loathing.
Discovering the power of practice changed my life, because it shifted me out of my anxious head and into my hopeful heart.Every day that I walk – and I walk five to ten miles every day – I remember what I love and how good that feels.
Why does a heart-centered practice like walking work when New Year’s resolutions usually don’t? Because resolutions start from lack — and lack is one of fear’s fundamental tactics. Here’s what I wrote about lack a little further on in chapter one:
“When we say that we want to stop overeating or overspending or overindulging, when we say we want a better job or improved habits, what we usually mean is something is missing from our lives: health, money, fitness, balance, peace of mind. Which is to say, we start from a place of lack.
Lack is one of fear’s fundamental tactics. It keeps us focused on our worry about what we are living without, on our anxiety about what we do not have enough of, and on our agitation about what we have lost. Even if we say “I want to eat healthier, what we really saying underneath that positive intention is we’re afraid we’re not healthy. “
We make resolutions each new year, when really we should be creating practices.
Like walking.
I, too, am a life-long walker.
Aged 60, I have never drove a car, well, not since High School Driver’s Ed, anyway. 😀
I walk (sometimes bike) and use Mass Transit to get around.
I use a pedometer to track my miles and steps, every day….2 to 8 miles a day, including at work.
I have a calendar on my desk that I log my daily miles on, and add up at the end of each month.
For me, as a writer/blogger and photographer, walking inspires my creativity, as well as keeps me healthy.