From Bonnie’s tips about fitness to the ideas & initiatives of our EverWalk Nation to guest posts from our Ambassadors, please check back weekly for a new blog, EverWalk‘s blogs highlight aspects of our epic initiative to create a World of EverWalkers!
And always, be inspired by the unique and powerful voice of Diana Nyad:

The Enlightened Solitude of Walking

We constantly tout the value of community here at EverWalk. On our Ambassador-led First Saturdays, on our FB Group Page, on our EPICS through the great outdoor corridors of America, in our media statements, we speak of relishing the community of walkers we are sharing and always looking to develop further.

And yet with all that said about walking together, there is profound value in setting out on our own.

Le Flâneur

In debating urban vs rural walking, I tend to side with Virginia Woolf’s character Mrs. Dalloway, announcing as she bustles through the streets of London on the day she is hosting a dinner party that she much prefers walking in the city to the country. We actually...

The Original 110.86 Mile Club (part two)

In March, EverWalk proudly launched the 110.86 Mile Club -- a virtual walking program that enables walkers to share an online adventure with walkers from all over the world. We named our club after the distance I swam from Cuba to Key West. Accompanying each milestone...

Walking Brings Happiness

We now know that movement in general—any type of movement—makes us feel better than sitting still. In many hospital settings where long-term care is needed, nurses tend to get their patients up and circling the halls, rather than let them sit or lie pretty much...

Giving Tuesday

December 1, 2020 #GivingTuesday is on one hand an organization in its infancy and at the same time it has in only seven short years catapulted into a worldwide movement in which hundreds of millions of people simply “do good”. In 2012, The United Nations Foundation...

One Meaningful Mile

Successful business people often talk about the crucial focus of “niche”. When we first launched EverWalk, and the very raison d’etre behind the name we chose, we envisioned a broad-sweeping concept of EVERYBODY, EVERY DAY, EVERMORE walking. People walking to work,...

The Value of Movement

All my life I’ve lived by the health and happiness edict that daily movement beats prescriptions, except of course in dire medical situations.  From the time I could walk, I grabbed onto my father Aris Nyad’s joy in the great outdoors. We swam to the ocean floor,...

The Human Talent: Walking

We homo-sapiens have never been considered the primo specimens of physicality in the animal world. How to compare our strength and speed and agility—the attributes of athletes---to the superiority of the apes, the cheetahs, the blue whales? But there is one activity,...


The list of moments I miss over this past month, since my heartthrob hounddog Teddy died, starts with missing walking him every day. Many don’t take on a dog as a pet because the care for them is admittedly time-consuming. They are pretty much helpless and need us for...

Escape Listening

The usual EverWalk party line is CONNECT. Connect with Nature. With your community, your neighborhood, your friends, strangers strolling in the park, fellow dog walkers. Connect with your brain vis a vis recent events, whether events of your own life or of the world...
Walk It Out: A Mile a Day for Mental Health

Walk It Out: A Mile a Day for Mental Health

The news is brutal right now: war, disease, climate change, shootings. It is hard not feel some sense of anxiety, despression, or stress. Here at EverWalk, we advocate walking to help ease the stress and anxiety so many are feeling these days. OUR MENTAL HEALTH When...

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They Walk to Remember 9/11

They Walk to Remember 9/11

Today we take a moment to honor the lives lost twenty years ago today — on September 11, 2001 — by sharing some of the ways those lives have continually been honored through individuals who have walked, run and even climbed to remember. To never forget. PAULIE'S PUSH...

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The list of moments I miss over this past month, since my heartthrob hounddog Teddy died, starts with missing walking him every day. Many don’t take on a dog as a pet because the care for them is admittedly time-consuming. They are pretty much helpless and need us for...

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Reading About Walking: Books About Journeys

Reading About Walking: Books About Journeys

EverWalk’s founders, Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll, started a virtual book club during the pandemic, during which they have lead lively discussions on many great books about walking — as well as other inspirational journeys. For any walkers out there looking to read a...

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The Power and Purpose of a Pilgrimage

The Power and Purpose of a Pilgrimage

What is a pilgrimage and why do so many people continue to be drawn to this kind of epic walking experience? Historically, a pilgrimage has been defined as a journey — often a long one — made to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion. Although some pilgrims,...

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The Climate Science of Urban Cooling Corridors

The Climate Science of Urban Cooling Corridors

The news this week about global climate change is NOT good. . .Anyone who is interested in environmental science knows that the clock has been ticking for quite a while on how long humans can go on destroying the planet before it becomes unlivable. . .Well, we are now...

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Walking Through History

Walking Through History

Are you curious about the things, the buildings, the nature, the history of the area through which you walk, yet you find yourself continuing to ask:  I wonder when that house that looks different than the others on the street was built—without ever finding out the...

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Plastic-Free July: What’s Shoes Got To Do With It?

Plastic-Free July: What’s Shoes Got To Do With It?

What do shoes have to do with Plastic-Free July? Well, did you know that most shoes are terrible for our environment? The majority use unsustainable materials — and shoe production accounts for a fifth of the fashion industry’s environmental impact, generating 1.4...

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Is Farther Better?

Is Farther Better?

At EverWalk, we love our epic walkers — those folks who head out for fifteen, twenty, fifty miles a day — and seem none the worse for the wear, but rather invigorated by long distances they cover. They certainly embody the epic in walking. But for many people, a long...

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Walk the Big Idea: How Walking Has Changed Our World

Walk the Big Idea: How Walking Has Changed Our World

As EverWalk co-founder Diana Nyad writes, “ There are stories throughout history of artists and writers and thinkers who walked daily, who walked long distances, not really for health or for athletic purposes, but to let their creative minds brew and bubble. Virginia...

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Singing and Counting Cadence

Singing and Counting Cadence

 I was often asked by interviewers whether the long torturous hours swimming in the ocean were tougher on the body or the mind. My answer was:  It starts with the body. If those shoulders are not trained, if the whole body (swimming, along with cross country skiing,...

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Keep Your Cool: How to Beat the Heat While Walking

Keep Your Cool: How to Beat the Heat While Walking

Now that we’ve officially moved into summer, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will be dealing with heat in the coming months. And since temperatures seem to be on the rise around the world, walkers need to get creative in beating the heat. Here are some...

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The Best Way to Walk

The Best Way to Walk

In our current EverWalk Book Club selection, The Last Great Walk by Wayne Curtis, a great deal of attention is paid to walking gaits. During the nineteenth century, a number of books were written analyzing the most efficient human gaits. Back then, two primary forms...

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Walking: Our True Human Story

Walking: Our True Human Story

In this week’s EverWalk blog, we share the journey of “the war correspondent walking the world” in a National Geographic project to retrace the global migration patterns of our human ancestors. Since January 2013, 59-year-old American journalist Paul Salopek has been...

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The Human Talent: Walking

The Human Talent: Walking

We homo-sapiens have never been considered the primo specimens of physicality in the animal world. How to compare our strength and speed and agility—the attributes of athletes---to the superiority of the apes, the cheetahs, the blue whales? But there is one activity,...

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Celebrating the Rails-to-Trails Movement

Celebrating the Rails-to-Trails Movement

This week's blog celebrates one of the great American movements of the past half-century. . . The Rails-to-Trails Movement. You may be surprised to learn that it all began back in the mid-1960s — and in the Midwest of all places. This was the idea that surfaced:...

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The Science of Activity Inequality

The Science of Activity Inequality

EverWalk began as a means of addressing the increasing awareness of the correlation between lack of physical activity and illness: “Sitting is the new smoking.” This connection has become an ever moreurgent field of study around the world — particularly as it relates...

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Walking: Badass Enough?

Walking: Badass Enough?

Ok, here comes the confession. When Bonnie and I finished the Cuba Swim, an undeniably bad-ass endeavor—not only the final achievement of 53 hours non-stop swimming from Cuba to Florida, but also the thirty-five years of pursuit, the four previous hellish attempts,...

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Commitment to Walking & Walking to Commitment

Commitment to Walking & Walking to Commitment

The fear of commitment is often thought of as something pertaining solely to romantic relationships. In fact, fear of commitment is much bigger than that. People who resist or are actively afraid of commitment usually express fear of making poor decisions or losing...

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The Benefits of Walking with a Buddy

The Benefits of Walking with a Buddy

EverWalk is first and foremost a community — a community of worldwide walkers. Founded by two best friends, Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll, EverWalk understands that it’s so much easier to get motivated and stay accountable— not to mention have fun — when you walk with a...

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